About Us

 Ram Bhatt

Ram started a private WhatsApp investing forum called Financial Well-being in 2018 with the goal of exchanging ideas for life-long learning towards pursuit of financial well-being. Different from many forums that focus on one topic at a time from a specific vantage point, Ram’s content takes a holistic approach focused on how to consider the totality of one’s wealth. Most of content in this blog is taken from his posts in this forum of over 100 participants.

With an education of economics and finance in graduate school, Ram has been a passionate learner of the practices in savvy investing for over 3 decades. Ram worked primarily in software development through-out his career. However, through his long term disciplined investing, he gained financial independence in his mid-fifties.

Now, he is continuing this passion with further learning to mentor others in fulfilling their investing & retirement goals. Beyond his close friends and family, Ram also mentors people through local community non-profits. 

Ram holds a Master of Science in Industrial Management from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. You can connect with Ram on Facebook or Twitter.


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